Cincin is an Illustrator and Storyteller who we had the good fortune to meet back at Sketchy Bs in the summer! She also came to our self-love workshop and created the beautiful zine below.
Sadly, Cincin was just visiting and didn’t stick around in London for long, but our loss is the world’s gain, as she continues to spread creative joy wherever she goes! Check out her website and follow her adventures on Instagram @cincin.illustration
Tell us a little bit about your creative background - did you study art?
I didn't study art, but I guess from the deep down of my heart I knew I would want to be an artist, or a creative worker. I’ve been a full time freelance illustrator and traveller for 3 years, and think I could keep on doing this til the end of the world!
Which Sketch Appeal event/s did you come to and what did you get out of it?
I came to Sketchy Bitches because I wanted to meet some fun creative minds during my visit in the city, and I did!
In a few lines, how would you describe the experience to others?
It was colourful, and really a cute safe space to relax and draw.
Did it inspire you to draw more, or go to any other creative events?
At the time I was under a bit of dry spell during my creating period, so yes, it does give me inspirations of different way to think.
How does drawing make you feel, and has it played any part in improving your mental health?
It makes me calm and happy and all, it is part of my life for sure.
Favourite materials to draw with?
Watercolours, coloured pencils and crayons, or combining different materials freely.
Any artists or illustrators we should check out on Insta?
Yann Kebbi, he is my favourite for sure
Any other cool creative workshops or events you’d recommend?
I recently went to the ‘Play Well’ exhibition at the Wellcome Collection which was cool!
All I want for Christmas is…
A holiday!
Favourite Christmas song?
White Christmas
Check out the beautiful zine Cincin made out our self-love workshop back in the summer!