Kara is one of the ‘original’ Sketchy Bitches and you can find her lovely face in Issue 1 of Sketch Appeal magazine (see below)!
She’s a Maths Tutor, Art Workshop Facilitator and the Founder of Creative Generations Art @creative_gens : a brilliant new organisation which runs intergenerational workshops for children and older adults, encouraging community connections through story-sharing and making artwork.
Tell us a little bit about your creative background - did you study art?
I never anticipated art would be such a big part of my life. I did well in school so was encouraged down an academic route, trying to combine my loves of art and maths by studying architecture. I didn’t think I was good enough to pursue art! After university I realised being creative was an integral part of me, so within a year I was trying to paint every day and find a new path.
Which Sketch Appeal event/s did you come to and what did you get out of it?
I joined Sketchy Bitches in 2018, seeking a creative community and like-minded people who love to make things but without pressure or judgement. I found exactly that! I made friends and gained a wonderful sense of being part of something where I really belong.
In a few lines, how would you describe the experience to others?
A heart-warming experience, where it feels comfortable to express yourself and feel connected to people who share a love of drawing.
Did it inspire you to draw more, or go to any other creative events?
It did inspire me to draw more and helped me let go of the inhibitions like ‘what if I draw something crap?!'
How does drawing make you feel, and has it played any part in improving your mental health?
It makes me feel calm. When my mental health isn’t very good, drawing and painting is an escape unlike any other. One of the happiest places I can be is with a big sketchbook, lots of art materials and with headphones on, singing along to my favourite music.
Favourite materials to draw with?
I do a lot of drawing with UniPin fine liners and colouring pencils. Any colouring pencils will do!
Any artists or illustrators we should check out on Insta?
Of course all of my fellow Sketchy Bitches. Also I’m obsessed with the intricacy of @nathanhackett_illustrator ’s scenes and @kirstensevig ’s peaceful watercolours.
Any other cool creative workshops or events you’d recommend?
Not specifically, but any life drawing near you!
All I want for Christmas is…
Time with amazing people and delicious baked goods.
Favourite Christmas song?
That’s a tough one! I’ll go for a classic: All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey
Kara runs Creative Generations Art, which unites older and younger generations through storysharing and creative workshops.
“I knew I had found my people”
Kara, telling it like she feels it in Issue 1 of our mag!