“We had such a fun time together, it was lovely to hang out with them in an environment that I don’t usually get too see them in. The tunes were on, the sweets were out, the colours were flowing…”
Jemima is Community Coordinator at 64 Million Artists: an incredible organisation which shares our belief that EVERYONE is an artist and EVERYONE CAN DRAW! Jemima runs their January Challenge: a 31 day creative challenge which anyone can participate in - for FREE!
Each year, they curate and set a series of fun, easy and thought-provoking daily prompts that encourage people to play with different art forms: collage, sketching, photography, poetry…it’s a great opportunity to experiment and boost your creativity! If you’re on a mission to “do more creative stuff” in 2020, then The January Challenge is a cracking way to start!
Jemima brought her cousins along to our first ever Family Sketchup back in October. Turns out they quite enjoyed themselves… :)
Jemima! LOVING YOUR WORK @64 Million Artists!! Have you always been so passionate about creativity?
I am very much from a home-made Christmas present type of family, and have been crafting, drawing, writing and making since I was very little! I absolutely love playing around with creative goodies, but am really interested in the use of art and creativity as a tool for self-expression and wellbeing. I love finding ways in which to facilitate and activate that experience for anybody and everybody.
Which Sketch Appeal event/s did you come to and what did you get out of it?
I came to the Family Sketchup! I came because I thought the concept was really fun and inspiring – and I knew exactly who to bring! My little cousins are super creative and are always drawing our birthday cards and making our gifts. We had such a fun time together, it was lovely to hang out with them in an environment that I don’t usually get too see them in. The tunes were on, the sweets were out, the colours were flowing…! I also learnt loads of great drawing games and found myself getting more and more confident with my choices throughout the session.
In a few lines, how would you describe the experience to others?
A super fun, engaging and inspiring few hours to lose yourself in yours (and others) creativity.
Did it inspire you to draw more, or go to any other creative events?
It’s definitely helped me to approach drawing exercises with less fear! I’ve learnt to love ‘splurging’ colour onto the page and seeing what happens and I’ll certainly be back for more in the new year.
How does drawing make you feel, and has it played any part in improving your mental health?
When I allow myself to relax into drawing, and being creative in general, I find it such a useful tool for mindfulness and expression. The quiet thinking time accompanied with something that uses your hands is a really grounding experience.
Favourite materials to draw with?
Any artists or illustrators we should check out on Insta?
I really like Worry Lines, for being sweet, funny and think-ey. (@worry_lines)
Any other cool creative workshops or events you’d recommend?
I recently went to the ‘Play Well’ exhibition at the Wellcome Collection which was cool!
All I want for Christmas is…
Favourite Christmas song?
Christmas Alphabet, Dickie Valentine