Leonie Flower (ACTUAL REAL NAME!) is a colour-loving London-based creative who we met through the wonderful indie biz community, Indie Roller. She’s a Screenprinter, Textile Designer, Illustrator and a PT Design Associate for a small Architectural practice. Clearly she’s one busy lady, so we’re thrilled she took time out of her schedule to answer our questions!
Check out her work at leonieflower.com
Hello Leonie! So, tell us a little bit about your creative background - did you study art?
Art was always my favourite subject, and I went on to do an art foundation (specialising in fashion & textiles) after school but after I didn't get into Brighton to do Fashion I had a huge confidence crisis and decided to do Art History instead. I really enjoyed it but it meant I stopped creating for a loooong time. It wasn't until my boyfriend bought me a short course at Central St. Martins that I started again and then I went on to do a Textile Design MA at Chelsea... that was 10 years ago now and I haven’t stop drawing since!
Which Sketch Appeal event/s did you come to and what did you get out of it?
I *think* the first one was a Christmas Sketch Appeal at Drink Shop do and I came because I’d met you at an indie roller event and it sounded like a lot of fun! I’ve also been to a few sketchy bitches (including a brilliant Frida Kahlo inspired one!) and I hope to go to many more!
In a few lines, how would you describe the experience to others?
Friendly, inclusive and joyful. Lots of people come by themselves so it's really nice place to meet people from loads of diffrent backgrounds and skills levels, and it's very much about the experience rather than the product at the end!
Did it inspire you to draw more, or go to any other creative events?
It inspired me to put pencil to paper again after becoming so reliant on my iPad, and to be less precious!
How does drawing make you feel, and has it played any part in improving your mental health?
At peace. It's the one thing I can lose myself for hours doing...
Favourite materials to draw with?
Thick pens! I love a black Sign pen and I LOOOVE Posca pens...
Any artists or illustrators we should check out on Insta?
Lisa Congdon, Claire Prouvost, Agathe Singer, Katy Biele, & Margaux Carpe to name a few!
Any other cool creative workshops or events you’d recommend?
One of the best workshops i went to this year was pattern making with stickers with Morag Myerscough (one of my creative heroes!)
Any books you’d recommend?
Joyful by Ingrid Fettell Lee is AMAZING!!! I’ve never read something that resonated with me SO much: my ideas of aesthetics, colour, pattern and, of course, joy. It’s all about finding joy in everyday things. On my reading list for next year is Keep Going by Austin Kleon and Find Your Artist Voice by Lisa Congdon.
All I want for Christmas is…
The World's Colouriest Watercolours from Culture Hustle (and you can never have too many earrings or cookbooks)
Favourite Christmas song?
White Christmas (only when sung by Bing Crosby - I’m a sucker for old musicals)
On Leonie’s wishlist this Christmas:
The World’s Colouriest Water Colours : £39.99 from Culture Hustle