“It was a really fun event, full of kindness. It's so nice to observe different people and then in return have so many other people's view of yourself.”
Chiara works in Women’s Rights Policy at Amnesty International, hails from Italy and resides in East London - where we first met her at The Create Place! She came to our Self-love special back in Feb and it’s great to hear that she’s been getting back into drawing a lot more this past year…
So, tell us a little bit about your creative journey and background:
I've never studied art formally although we had a pretty solid art history education through middle and high school in Italy as I grew up. I've always enjoyed drawing but I haven't drawn for a long time I think mainly due to being a perfectionist and finding it hard to be creative just for the sake of it without expectations. I got back to drawing over the past year or so.
Which Sketch Appeal event/s you came to and why:
I went to a sketchy bitches session back in February it was self-love themed and it was a pretty big deal for me as I had been struggling with complex PTSD and depression. I loved it and was really surprised at how much I enjoyed drawing a small zine about myself. It was a really lovely event, full of kindness. I think taking portraits of each other in turns is real fun and it's so nice to observe different people and then in return have so many other people's view of yourself.
That’s so wondeful to hear! So , did it inspire you to draw more, or go to any other creative events?
Yes for sure, I went to a few of the life drawing sessions with the East London Strippers Collective which I really recommend and I've also been drawing more on my own.
How does drawing make you feel, and has it played any part in improving your mental health?
I find drawing really calming if I manage to get to it with a frame of mind without expectations, it doesn't always happen but I love it when it does.
Favourite materials to draw with?
I really like wax crayons I got some new fancy ones from Caran D'ache called Neocolor II they are really soft and the colours very intense. I also enjoy watercolours.
YES WAX CRAYONS!! How about your favourtie artists or illustrators on Insta?
So many! I really like Work by Charlotte Ager and Jacob V Joyce
Any cool books you’d recommend people wanting to get creative and draw more in 2020?
I received How To Draw Almost Everything - a source book for my bday, it's really fun. I also love the Sketch appeal magazine.
Aaah thanks! And finally, what’s your fave Christmas song?
Last Christmas by Wham, so cheesy and so good!
Chiara Recommends
How to Draw Almost Everything by Chika Miyata