Forget the great summer getaway: join us for a time-travelling ART-venture in Spitalfields instead!
To celebrate the summer and our love of bygone times, we’re hosting a series of nostalgic Retrosketch nights at Old Spitalfields Market - on #ThrowbackThursdays, obv!
If you love a bit of vintage and/or spend a lot of time trawling Pinterest for fun fashion ads and mag covers to draw, then you’re in for a treat! We’ll be playing with different materials and illustration styles each time, so these sessions are a great opportunity to experiment with new tools and ideas.
Sessions will take in the dedicated workshop space next to SOMA House, so it’s BYOB and dinner/snacks. We’ll supply all the materials and a suitable retro soundtrack!
Grab yourself a ticket and climb aboard the Sketchy Express!!
Our first session = Vintage B*tches!
You can’t beat the classics, so we’re kicking off our Retrosketch series with a Sketchy Bitches portrait session, but with a few twists!
Instead of mini biz cards, we’ll be drawing on A6 kraft cards and working with coloured pencils, pastels and Tombows: all perfect for creating those vintage vibes!
As usual, we’ll all take a turn to pose for the rest of the group to draw and you’ll get to take home your portraits at the end.
Come on down and grab yourself a pack of gorgeous ‘Postcards from the Past’ with your face all over them!!